Salam sejahtera,
Pertama sekali terima kasih pd kak Ja krn menganugerahkan award ni pd mama Afiqah.
The rules are:
1. Admit one thing you feel awful about (involving being a mom). Once you have written it down, you are no longer allowed to feel bad. Remember you are a good mom!
Byk juga perkara yg buatkan mama Afiqah rasa tak layak je nak terima award mcm ni. Yelah, mama Afiqah ni unorganize sikit, sikit je tk byk. Tapi bila membandingkan diri dgn byk mom yg lain, rasa mcm sgt unorganize, hehe... takleh nak baiki perangai ni, cuma boleh improve saja. Tapi yg penting semua keje settle pada masa yg diperlukan dgn bantuan org sekeliling... mama Afiqah sgt bersyukur.
2. List 7 things you love about your kids, you love doing with your kids, or that your kids love about you.
i- Love Afiqah's smile
ii- Suka bila Afiqah keluarkan suara dia mcm nak sembang, nak bagitau sesuatu, nak complain, etc... walaupun tidak berbentuk perkataan tapi bunyi2an itu umpama alunan musik yg sgt indah bg telinga mama dan selalunya menyentuh hingga ke hati.
iii- Suka bila Afiqah BAB, hehehehe
iv- Suka bila Afiqah tiba2 tertawa dgn apa saja funny movements yg mama/ papa buat sengaja ataupun tidak
v- Mama suka menyanyi dgn Afiqah, Afiqah akan sentiasa senyum
vi- Suka tengok Afiqah menegur dan senyum pada strangers bila kami outing.... friendly anak mama ni
vii- Mama suka sgt kerana anak mama Afiqah akan sentiasa mempunyai hati yg bersih
and the list goes on...
3. Send this to 5 other moms of the year that deserve a reminder that they too are the best moms that they can be. Remember to send them a note letting them know you have selected them, and also add a link to your post that directs people back to the person who nominated you.
And the list goes on to all moms...
you so deserve this award. for every wonderful year. salute.
suka bila afiqah suka adik syaza nyanyi.. haha.. mama syaza nak amik credit jgk..ekekek..
"Suka bila Afiqah BAB, hehehehe"
Ni yg paling best..
You too fizi.
Mak leng, mmg kakak fiqah suka adik syaza nyanyikan utk dia. mak ngah pun suka sbb mak ngah boleh rehat. tq adik syaza krn selalu menghiburkan kakak.
Kak Ja, muka Afiqah yang panik dgn mata terbeliak meneran akan bertukar 180 darjah sejurus selepas BAB. Terus sengih lebar... sgt melucukan.
Assalamualaikum Amal,
With or without the award, I know you're a great Mom!
Thank you, Amal for this great award! This is probably the best award any Mom can get. I am so honored! I am not perfect, but I try to be the best Mom I can to my children. :)
All the best to you...always
With love
Waalaikumsalam warahmatullah sist. lightnur,
You too are a great mom. Hope by putting up the award / tag on our blog could remind us of how good mom we hv n will always be to our lovely child/ren.
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